New rules, same news, barrage of news… in such a situation, maintaining a positive attitude can be extremely challenging. Here’s a little trick to help reduce stress and anxiety…

That is gratitude.

Practicing gratitude is very simple and can be life-changing.

In our daily activities, we may not even notice the little things that really make our lives worthwhile. By appreciating all that we already have, we realize that we have everything we need.

Gratitude literally drives away negative thoughts and replaces them with positive ones. We can channel this incoming positivity into every activity we do.

I don’t know about you, but when I think about things I’m grateful for, it makes me happy. It is pure joy to think of all the good.

Here’s a little suggestion: practice gratitude every day. Make it a daily tradition. The easiest way to incorporate the practice of gratitude into your every day is to add it to an activity you already do. Whether it’s right after waking up, while making coffee or why not while coloring your eyelashes.

You can be grateful every time you go to the gym. Be thankful that the gyms are open and you can work out. Choose an activity that you do often or every day and add an expression of gratitude to that activity.

Practicing gratitude makes us more attentive to finding the good in everything. It helps to appreciate the little things around you more and more.

So, when everything seems stressful, find peace in gratitude.

How to practice gratitude?

  1. Be specific

For example: “I am grateful to my neighbor who came to turn off my faucet with his tools.” is much more powerful and much more specific than, “I am grateful to my neighbor.”

  1. Think about people

Being grateful to people is more powerful than being grateful to things

  1. See good things as gifts

If you treat positive things as gifts, you no longer take them for granted.

  1. Be grateful for something/person every day

Finally, a small quote from Robert Braut: “Enjoy the little things, because someday in the future, when you think about it, they were the big things.”