Movement, exercise and physical activity not only have a good effect on our body, but also keep our brain in shape.

The brain is like a muscle – it becomes strong when used, and shrinks when not used. When performing exercises in the gym, the focus is precisely on shaping the muscles, but in fact, performing various exercises, whether in the gym or elsewhere, also gives a useful charge to the brain. Researchers from the University of Georgia in the USA found that even 20 minutes of exercise a day improves memory functions.

With exercise, the number of red blood cells increases in the blood, whose task is to transport oxygen, the heart rate increases, the brain receives more oxygen, and exercise also releases hormones in our body. Exercise forces our brain to make more connections between cells. Exercise also reduces stress. A study conducted in Stockholm proved that the stress-reducing effect is due to the fact that exercise increases the number of cells in the hippocampus – one of the most important components in the brain, which deals with e.g. storing emotions and memory.

If you want to keep your head clear, your memory sharp, get rid of stress and be happy, dedicate even 20 minutes a day to exercise!